Back for a pupdate. Mr Marvel is doing well and is looking rather lanky now as he enters his teen phase now that he is 4 months old! He's a troublesome one that's for sure, he still likes to nip at my hands, feet and clothing- me more than anyone else, not sure why, maybe I taste better! Anyway I have a little...
Liebster Award
I have been nomintated for the Liebster Award by Demi Sherman from Beauty and The Lifestyle blog. Thank you! This is a tag for bloggers (who have under 200 followers). It works by you answering the 11 questions the person who tagged you asked, and then you tag more new bloggers and ask them 11 new questions of your own! The rules: Link...
This week's Budget Beauty Buy award goes to..... *Drum Roll* Garnier's SOS Repair, Intensive 7 days hand cream. It won me over because I have extremely dry hands and this was my savour. With frequent use, my hands began to feel softer and the skin became stronger. A lovely sent as well and isn't greasy or sticky! ONLY £2.99 from stores such...
If you've watched the show then you'll already know that Room 101 is where the contestants 'send' their pet hates. So, I thought about it for a while and here are my 3 things that I'd put into Room 101. 1.) People who use social media far too 'openly' and tend to share their entire life with everyone on their timeline. These types...
Fresher's week is always a much awaited time for students to-be. For a lot of students, it offers a chance to be wild and free, and a perfect way to celebrate living away from Mum and Dad. It's hard to know what to expect before experiencing it as it is not the same as going on a one off night out. Here are...
We spend all year waiting for our summer holidays whether they be a sunny beach holiday or a bagpacking scottish wildlife holiday, we can't wait to start packing. But are you ready for your holiday? Some of our holidays can be very costly and it seems too much to pamper ourselves before we go, even though we may need it. However not all...
So yesterday marked the beginning of The Great British Bake Off. For anyone who doesn't watch it- you're missing out. It follows 12 contestants who compete agaisnt one another baking both savoury and sweet delightful things, from sponges to loaves. My family and friends love watching this show as it is just simply lovely. I rarely ever watch shows anymore that aren't corrupted...
The paranormal is something that has been debated for many years. Some people believe in the paranormal whilst others choose to take a more logical approach by suggesting that everything can be debunked. Many people claim to have seen what they describe to be spirits or ghosts and often those who are non-believers, think that there are reasonable explanations for these experiences. However...