In Beauty, beauty blogger

Spring Treats

So Spring is a beautiful season, and as previously mentioned, it's a great time to pamper yourself. It starts getting warmer which probably means you'll be wearing cooler clothes and having more skin on show. This means you have to pamper and treat yourself whilst looking after that skin! Here are a few of my personal faves at the moment, that I use...

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In Beauty, day

Lazy Days

So today I woke up late. At about 12 O'clock- so I'd missed breakfast, which meant breakfast and lunch had to merge into one. My flat mate and I decided that today would be a Disney day, and we watched Cinderella and Peter Pan, which are personal faves, and I enjoyed some Easter chocolate during. Unfortunately I bit into my chocolate bunny's head-...

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In Blogging, clothes

Primark Haul Vlog

Okay so my second vlog is now here. Primark is a student's heaven so I thought it rather appropriate to vlog about it. Apologies for my poor equipment as I am currently recording on my webcam which isn't ideal. But hey ho we'll see how it goes. I actually filmed this video today, so I wasn't rehearsed or anything which is probably why...

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In Beauty, Blog

Throw Back Thursday

So I've been seeing a lot of pictures on social media recently with the tag '#TBT'. I never even knew what this meant until fairly recently. But for anyone who doesn't know, it stands for Throw Back Thursday. And with this tag, most people like to share an old photo or memory which I think is a lovely idea. However for some people,...

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In Blog, business

Just Another Term

I am currently sat here at my desk (or as I'd prefer to call it, 'my office') with my laptop and a cup of tea to the right of me, and the window to the left. I've had a lovely Easter break back down in Northampton with my family, but soon felt like I was ready to come back to Portsmouth. As you...

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In Blog, Blogger

Shopping Haul: B&Ms and Bodycare: University Bits and Bobs

Hope you enjoy this little vlog- again sorry for poor quality I'll be working on that!! Thanks for watching and please subscribe!!! :D Hope you enjoy this little vlog- again sorry for poor quality I'll be working on that!! Thanks for watching and please subscribe!!! :D ...

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In ain't nobody got time for that, annoying

Ain't Nobody Got Time For That

Is it just me, or do the little things irritate you the most? No, not just me? Good. Glad we've cleared that up!! I don't know what it is, but a large amount of the little stressful things is sometimes enough to make you scream out loud. Today I am feeling very stressed! Tis a stressful moment! (slightly dramatic). And what I've realised...

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In Disney, Disneyland

Journey To Another World

DisneyLand The early blue sky, like a tropical ocean, sat above our heads, with an enormous orange ball of fire smiling down on us. The air was fresh and crisp and the slight chill made the hairs on my arms stand up straight like little soldiers.  With our rucksacks on over one shoulder, we all herded on like cattle, as we got checked...

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In Blog, greeting

A Rubbish Little Video

So this video is rubbish and I am well aware of how awkward I am. But I'm proud to at least say I did it. It's funny because you can talk for hours and hours and be fine but as soon as a camera gets stuck in front of you, you suddenly forget how to talk or breathe. For some strange reason I'm...

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In April, Beauty

Hello Spring

Today is beautiful, and recently we've had a few days like this. The sun has been shining and the wind has kept to a minimum, and to England's surprise there has hardly been any rain! This is the kind of weather we like to see. Not only does the sun get more people out and about in the fresh air, but it makes...

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In Social Media, Survey

The Negative Effects of Social Media

For those who come across my blogs, it would really help me out if you could click this link and fill in my survey. I'm writing an article about the negative effects of social media and I need YOUR help! It'll only take a minute and it is completely confidential! Social Media Survey Thanks X Laura ...

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In Abuse, Animal Cruelty

Animal cruelty must be stopped!

Animal cruelty is a very serious topic to discuss. In this world a lot of animal cruelty goes unnoticed by humans, perhaps because we focus a lot of human cruelty, and to some animal welfare may seem of a lesser importance. However I strongly believe that animals should be treated as a human should.     The point is made stronger by the fact...

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In Childhood, Disney

The 5 Most Inspirational Disney Songs

So this is just my opinion, but I've chosen really wisely. And it's hard, it's very hard to choose only 5. Why do this blog post you may ask? Well I feel like people need a little uplifting every now and again, and who wants to read pages and pages of serious stuff? Let's face it, Disney is magical- all that disagree are...

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