
5 Things I want to spend more time on this Spring

April 17, 2017

Spring is such a beautiful time of year, and this year I want to spend Spring doing more fun things and really appreciating my time. So I thought I'd put together the top five things I'd like to spend more time on. I'm really interested to hear what you'd all like to spend time on this Spring, so please comment on this blog or tweet me at @alittlebitoflau

1.) Baking and Barista-ing

I love baking, but since working full time I've had no time for it. So, this Spring, at the weekends I plan to make more time for baking and experimenting with new recipes. I also plan to get better with coffee art. The picture above I created using a stencil, and it's still not that good. So the aim is to spend more time on food and drinks and the enjoyment that comes with them!

2.) Reading

I set myself the new years resolution to read more and I bought myself a tonne of books. But thus far I haven't had much time to actually have a good reading sesh. Once the weather warms up, I plan to spend hours in the garden or at the park with a good book, and try and get through all the novels I aim to read this year. And of course write blog posts about them!

3.) Writing

This is a funny one, because I write for a living. But, I really want to spend more time brainstorming for my novel * which I haven't started nor have I even got a real idea for*, as well as report writing for my F1 blog, and of course keeping up with regular posts on this blog.

4.) Myself

I realised the other week, that I no longer spend enough time on myself. I really want to pamper myself more and treat myself. Somewhere in the past 8 months I've lost this and I've felt pretty rubbish for it. I realise now just how important it is to take time for ourselves. I aim to do this by focusing more on my fitness, taking my time getting ready in the mornings, having relaxing baths, and doing more things with my friends and boyfriend.

5.) Yoga and meditation

Last year I was really into my yoga, and was really wanting to work on my core as well as my mental fitness. I love the peace and tranquillity that comes with yoga and I plan to start working from my 'Yoga for Athletes' book again to strengthen myself ready for, hopefully, running the half marathon and one day the full London marathon. These are still dreams however.

What will you be focusing your time on this Spring, let me know.

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!!

Speak soon

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