
Disneyland Paris | 1 | Travel

June 20, 2016

Hello my lovelies,

So as you can probably tell from the title of this piece, this blog post is going to be about my recent trip to Disneyland Paris. I've thought a lot about how I wanted to do this, because there are a few aspects that I wanted to touch on, but to cram it all into one post might be hard, so I think I'll break it all down.

So I thought I'd start chronologically because that just makes sense, and start with travel because without travelling, I'd still be sat on the sofa in England.

So there are many ways in which you can travel to Disneyland Paris. When I booked my holiday over a year ago I decided to just book the hotel and park tickets and think about transport later. For me, booking the Eurostar through the Disney websites seemed too expensive for my current situation, so I wanted to look around at my other, cheaper options.

After about 6 months, I decided that going by eurostar was probably the easiest way, however I discovered that if you get the Eurostar to Paris Gare du Nord instead of Marne-la-Vallee Chessy (Disney) it is about £100 cheaper! So that was that, we booked the Eurostar to arrive at Gare du Nord.

Now here's where it gets a little more tricky. Of course before even getting on the Eurostar, I knew there would be more travel involved. How was I going to get to London St Pancras? How was I going to get from Gare du Nord to Disney? I get quite stressed about travel as I haven't traveled without the aid of parents much. However looking back at the holiday now, it was all very easy.

So I was lucky enough to have my lovely Dad drive me and my boyfriend to London St Pancras. It was very early, around 4:30am, so we were very tired (but we wanted to make the most of the day once we arrived). Our Eurostar was at 7:01am and we arrived in London at around 6:00am. Luckily our train was up on the board, so we could go through passport control and security straight away and sit in the departure lounge, which had coffee shops and toilets. It was all very simple and at about 6:40am we were called through to the platform to board the Eurostar. This was possibly the easiest part of the journey. The train was clean and cool, so I felt comfortable and was able to relax for about two and a half hours which was lovely after such an early start. (Remember the time jumps forward an hour once you hit France, so we essentially lost an hour).

Now came the hardest bit. After we arrived at Gare du Nord we had to get two RER trains (that's just the name of their trains). This was all sign posted so you know which way to go, phew! We bought our RER tickets at a little machine. We typed in Marne-la-Vallee Chessy and it came to about 7.60 euros each, which is fantastic! Luckily, I had already researched the journey, as without doing so I would have had no idea we'd need to changed trains!

So if you are heading to Disney via this method, listen up. Once at Gare du Nord you need to get your first RER train to Chatelet-Les Halles which is literally the next stop. This was on either RER B or RER D I believe, however it could be different when you go. Basically head for a train that stops at Chatelet-Les Halles. Once you have arrived at Chatelet-Les Halles, get across to RER A and get on a train that is heading to Marne-la-Vallee Chessy. This stop is at the end of the line so once on the train you won't have to worry about missing your stop. And then voila you're in Disney!!

It honestly wasn't as hard at it may seem, and there are so many RER trains so there isn't any waiting around and if you miss a train, just hop on the next one.

Once at Marne-la-Vallee Chessy, we had to walk out of the train station. At this point you can already see the entrances to both Disney parks and Disney village. From here you have two options: get the correct shuttle bus to your hotel, or walk. It's entirely up to you and depends on which hotel you are staying at and how far it is. We decided to get the shuttle bus this time, because we though it'd be quicker (we later found out it was probably quicker to walk, however the shuttle bus is super quick too!). It took about 5 minutes on the Santa Fe shuttle bus to get to the Santa Fe hotel- our hotel! If you are unsure about the shuttle buses, it's really easy, just head to the bus stop which has your hotel name above it and then wait!

Returning home was as you'd assume: the same as the route there, except the other way around. So from Marne-la-Vallee Chessy, head to Chatelet-Les Halles. From Chatelet-Les Halles, head to Gare du Nord. Once at Gare du Nord, head to the London Hall, which is upstairs in the Eurostar area and once you're allowed to go through the gate, you're pretty much set!

So I hope I've explained that clearly enough. It may seem like there were a lot of parts to the journey, but it was super easy once I knew what to do and where to go. If I went again via this method I don't think I'd struggle at all! I would recommend this journey for students or families wanting to save some money, because it meant I had £100 extra left in my bank, for future holidays or spending money!

In my next blog post I'll be talking about DisneyLand Paris hotels, so stay tuned!
Speak soon

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  1. I reaaaaally want to go to Disneyland Paris with my friends for my 21st next year! I will definitely be taking your tips into account if I get a trip booked!

    Charlotte xx - Charlotte Sophia Roberts



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