Hey folks, So as promised, I am returning with another Disney post to continue my Disney segment. If this is something you want to hear about more regularly or the topic of holidays is, them be sure to let me know. I read all your comments and am so grateful for your kind words. So without further ado.. A key part of your...
Hello my lovelies, So as you can probably tell from the title of this piece, this blog post is going to be about my recent trip to Disneyland Paris. I've thought a lot about how I wanted to do this, because there are a few aspects that I wanted to touch on, but to cram it all into one post might be hard,...
Hey folks, Wow really thought I'd clicked 'publish' a couple weeks back. Evidently not. Sorry pals, but here is my blog post from then. So this week I bring you a post about my last week at University. Yes, okay, I still get to go back for a few days for graduation, but really, last week was my last. It was my last...