
Life/Uni update, 5 things and exciting news for the Blog

November 09, 2015

Don't ask why this is the photo for this post- I just feel very proud of mine and my housemate's jelly shots, and wanted an excuse to put it here!
Okay, so I am guilty again. Guilty of not blogging in a while and it's only because I've been working super hard and have been rather busy. But, as promised I will post when I can. So I thought I'd just do a little lifestyle and update post so you all know what's going on in my life right now. To start with a '5 things that make me happy', followed by how uni is going, and to end, what is to come for myself and the blog in 2015.

5 Things That Made Me Happy This Week
  1. I got to go home and see my family and my puppy. It was so lush to go back to a warm, clean, welcoming house that will ALWAYS be my home!
  2. I got to see several of my friends, go out for a meal, and have a movie night and make a yummy lasagna, and drink wine.
  3. I got to watch the Grand Prix with my parents. Those who know me, may know I run another blog called The Quick Pit Stop which is an F1 blog, as it is one of my passions. I love watching the races with my family, but being at uni means I tend to have to watch them by myself, so this was lovely.
  4. I got a Chinese takeaway on Friday which was delicious!
  5. I got to see my wonderful boyfriend who always makes me happy, and we caught up on The Walking Dead together, whilst having our first mince pies of the season.
How is Uni going?
Well I am at a very important stage. 3rd year was always going to be hard but I feel as though I am currently handling it okay. Sometimes I feel as though I'm not working hard enough, but I think it's because Creative Writing is so subjective and often doesn't involve facts and research, but solely focuses on imagination. I find writing stories comes naturally to me and so often I feel as though I'm not working hard, because it feels as though it is coming to me easily. Does that make sense? Having said that there have been times when I've been working so hard, so I suppose it's finding the right balance. But I have a big chunk of my dissertation in before Christmas, hence my absence on here! But I feel as though things are going okay so far- touch wood!
What's in store for the Blog in 2015?
Well obviously 2015 is ALREADY coming to an end. I swear 2014 was only yesterday. But I MAY have something really exciting lined up for November and December, but I am just waiting to hear back. If you hear nothing from me about it, assume it isn't happening. But if it does happen it'll be really cool and you'll all hear about it anyway. I also want to do more beauty reviews because I know how much you love them. I've also been thinking about doing more motivational and inspirational posts too, what do you think? I want to blog about my fitness too, however it's quite hard to keep that interesting, but I promise I shall try. But if you have any recommendations or subjects you'd like me to talk about, then please let me know!
I hope you are all well and are still coming back!
Speak soon and much love X

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    1. Excited to see your plans for the blog!

      Check out my Sephora giveaway!



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