In 10 things, Funny

10 Lies 2nd Year Students Tell...

Being a first year at Uni can be fun, but being a second can also be very challenging, and we are pre-warned about this. However despite this, there are always those things we say we'll do, that we don't. 1.) I'm gunna keep my house so clean. It'll be different this year because it'll be my house. No more mess... 2.) I'm gunna...

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In Animal Cruelty, Animals

He had a suitcase!

There are so many cruel things happening in the world, and one thing that really gets to me in animal cruelty. Being someone who has constantly been around animals and pets and who has been brought up living beside them, I cannot imagine or comprehend a reason for anyone wanting to harm an animal. I makes me feel physically sick. I have had...

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