So, I may not be J.K Rowling but I've already got a fair bit of experience as a writer. I studied Creative and Media Writing at University and did my fair bit of blog writing and freelance journalism during my time there. I now work for a publishing company and write across four different magazine of different niches, cover travel, leisure and food....
So, living in England means that summer doesn't always bring heat and sunshine. But nevertheless there are plenty of ways for us to keep ourselves occupied this summer, without the promise of denim sorts, straw hats, and layers of sun cream. Here are 5 rainy day ideas: 1.) Read a book - Okay so this is such a cliche one, but when was...
When we're so busy and pre-occupied with life it can sometimes become easy to forget to look after ourselves and as a result we can end up feeling bad, negative and a bit run down. Here are 5 ways to feel better about yourself 1.) Have a luxurious bath. Take time to have a hot bath. Take your book in (try not to...
Those of you who know me, know that I love Disney and more specifically Disneyland Paris. I've been 5 times and aim to go a lot more. I'm also hoping to go to Florida to Disney World in the near future as it's always been a dream of mine. Why do I love Disneyland? I get this a lot, or perhaps it's the...